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Save Library Component As Dialog Box

You can use the Save Library Component As dialog box to save a newly created library component or an existing library component with another name into the current directory. This topic describes the options in the dialog box.

Designer displays the Save Library Component As dialog box when you navigate to Home/File > Save or select Ctrl+S on the keyboard for an unsaved library component, or navigate to File > Save As for an already saved library component.

Save Library Component As dialog box

Designer displays these options:

Save the component to the catalog

This option shows the directory of the current catalog to which the library component will be saved.

Existing Components

This box lists all the existing library components in the current catalog.

Report Name

Specify the name of the library component file.

Report of Type

This option shows the type of the library component file, which can only be Library Component (*.lc).


Select to save the library component with the name you specify.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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