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Report Server Guide v24.1 Overview

This guide describes Report Server (formerly Logi JReport Server), a 100% Java report generation and management tool that can be deployed to any Java EE application server. By leveraging its high-performance report generation engine, Report scales to meet the most demanding requirements. Using the report scheduling, distributing, and alerting capabilities of Report Server, you can integrate reporting into the workflow of the application.

Report Server also supports on-demand, live report creation and modification, providing Report’s powerful ad hoc solution. End users are empowered with Report to create their own richly visual and interactive reports for powerful and secure data exploration in a completely self-service manner.

The Report Server Guide v24.1 Help System provides you with information you need to know to fully utilize the features of Report Server v24.1. You can access the information by looking at the Table of Contents, or by using Search.

Other Report documentation

This guide is one in the complete Report documentation set. The documentation set also includes the following:

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