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Options Dialog Box Properties

You can use the Options dialog box to customize the user interface of Page Report Studio. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.

This topic contains the following sections:

You see these elements on both tabs:

Restore Defaults

Select to restore the default settings.


Select to apply any changes you made here and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

Option Tab Properties

Specify the skin of the Page Report Studio user interface.

Options dialog box - Option tab


Select the skin of the Page Report Studio user interface. The skin can be the Standard, Classical, or Windows XP style.

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Customize Tab Properties

Customize the toolbars in the Interactive View of Page Report Studio.

Options dialog box - Customize tab

Current Toolbar

You see the three toolbars: Standard, View, and Analysis. Select a toolbar if you want to customize it.

New Toolbar Name Add New Toolbar button

Select if you want to add a new toolbar. Server displays the New Toolbar Name dialog box. Type a name for the new toolbar and select OK. Server then displays the new toolbar name in the Current Toolbar box.

Delete button Remove Toolbar button

Select to remove the selected toolbar.

Available Tools

The items here are determined by the Page Report Studio feature profile you applied.

Select an item that you want to add to the toolbar, and then select the Add button Add Item button to add it to the right box.

To add all items at a time, select the Add All button Add All button.

Selected Tools

Server displays the toolbar items that you have added, in the order from left to right on the toolbar.

To remove an item from the toolbar, select it and select the Remove button Remove Item button.

To remove all items at a time, select the Remove All button Remove All button.

Move Up button Move Up button

Select to move the selected item higher in the list.

Move Down button Move Down button

Select to move the selected item lower in the list.

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