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Publish to Server Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Publish to Server dialog box to publish resources from one Report Server to another.

Server displays the dialog box when you select Publish > To Server on the task bar of the Resources page on the Server Console after you have signed in to the target server.

Publish to Server dialog

Publish To

Server shows the URL using which you have signed in to the target server to which you want to publish the resource.

Target Path

Specify the folder on the target server resource tree where you want to publish the resource. Select Browse to select the folder.

Resources From

Specify the folder in which you want to get the resources in the source server resource tree. Select Browse to select the folder.


Server lists the resources that you can publish.


Server lists the resources you have selected to publish.

Add button Add button

Select to add the resources you selected in the Resources box to the Selected box.

Remove button Remove button

Select to remove the selected resources from the Selected box.

Automatically Convert Old Report Schema

Select if you want Server to convert reports of earlier versions to current version when publishing the earlier version reports.


Select to publish the selected resources to the specified server.


Select to close the dialog box without publishing resources.


Select to view information about the dialog box.

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