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Sort Dialog Box Properties

This topic describes how you can use the Sort dialog box to sort the selected field.

Sort dialog

Sort Order

It works when you do not select "Customize".

  • Ascending
    Select to sort the field in the ascending order. When you specified Sort Using Another Field, Server sorts the specified field in the ascending order.
  • Descending
    Select to sort the field in the descending order. When you specified Sort Using Another Field, Server sorts the specified field in the descending order.
  • Sort Using Another Field 
    Select if you want to sort another field. Then, select an aggregation field from the drop-down list to perform the sort on.


Select if you want to adjust the order of the members of the current field manually. Select a member and then select the proper arrow button to move it up or down.


Select to apply the sorting order and close the dialog box.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the dialog box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

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