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Conditional Formatting Dialog Box Properties

You can use the Conditional Formatting dialog box to add some conditional formats to values of the selected field. This topic describes the properties in the dialog box.

Server displays the dialog box when you right-click a field and select Conditional Formatting from the shortcut menu.

Conditional Formatting dialog box


Server displays all the conditions you have already added.

  • Add buttonAdd button
    Select to add a new condition in the Edit Conditions dialog box.
  • Edit button Edit button
    Select to edit the selected condition in the Edit Conditions dialog box.
  • Delete button Remove
    Select to remove the selected condition.
  • Priority
    Specify the priority of the conditions. The higher a condition is in the list, the higher its priority is.
    • Move Up button Move Up button
      Select to move the selected condition higher in the list.
    • Move Down button Move Down button
      Select to move the selected condition lower in the list.


Specify the format you want to apply to the field values when the specified condition is fulfilled.

  • Font
    Specify the font type for the field values.
  • Border
    Specify the border line style for the field values.
  • Size
    Specify the font size for the field values.
  • Bold
    Select to make the field values bold.
  • Italic
    Select to make the field values italic.
  • Underline
    Select to underline the field values.
  • Foreground Color
    Specify the foreground color for the field values.
  • Background Color
    Specify the background color for the field values.
  • Sample Text
    Server displays a preview sample of your settings.
  • Blinking Text
    Select to make the field values blink.
    • Duration
      Specify how long it takes the field values to complete the transition from the foreground color to the transparent color, in seconds.


Select to apply any changes you made here and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the dialog box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

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