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RealMedia Properties

This topic describes how you can use the RealMedia Properties dialog box to update the properties of a RealMedia object. Server displays the dialog box when you right-click a RealMedia object and select Properties from the shortcut menu.

This topic contains the following sections:

You see these elements on both tabs:


Select to apply any changes you made here and close the dialog box.


Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

Help button Help button

Select to view information about the dialog box.

Close button Close button

Select to close the dialog box without saving any changes.

General Tab Properties

Specify the general properties of the RealMedia.

RealMedia Properties dialog box - General tab


Specify the display name of the RealMedia.

Show NLS Value

Select to show the translated name for the display name of the object in the Name text box if you have enabled the NLS feature and translated it, and when you have not modified the display name of the object.

Alternate Text

Specify the alternate text which you want to show if the RealMedia cannot display.


Specify the width of the RealMedia.


Specify the height of the RealMedia.

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Controls Tab Properties

Specify the RealPlayer controls you want to display and use in the container.

RealMedia Properties dialog box - Controls tab

Auto Start

Select to start the media file automatically when you open the report.


Select to place the presentation in the center of the image window and display it in its original size (Server defines the size by the Width and Height properties).


Select to play the media file repeatedly.

Loop Number

Specify the number of the times you want the media file to loop during playback.

Note icon If you have selected Loop and specified the Loop Number at the same time, the media file will play back according to the specified number, which means Server ignores the Loop property even though the loop number is set to zero.

All Controls

Select to show all controls.

Pause Button

Select to show the Pause button.

Play Button

Select to show the Play button.

Stop Button

Select to show the Stop button.

Control Panel

Select to show the Control Panel, which contains the following playback controls: Play button, Pause button, Stop button, Fast-forward button, Rewind button, Position Slider, and Home button.

Fast-forward Button

Select to show the Fast-forward button.

Home Control

Select to show the Home button, which is connected to the website

Image Window

Select to show the Image Window, which is used for displaying presentations.

Information Panel

Select to show the Information Panel that displays the title, author, and copyright for the currently playing clip.

Volume Information

Select to show the Information/Volume Bar, which consists of the Information Panel and the Mute/Volume Bar.

Mute Button and Volume Slider

Select to show the Mute button and Volume Slider. Then, Server selects Volume Slider and Mute correspondingly. Otherwise, you can select Volume Slider or Mute, respectively.

Position Field

Select to show the Position Field, which shows the position of the current clip that identifies the clip's current place within the presentation timeline and the total clip length.

Position Slider

Select to show the Position Slider, which shows the currently playing position within the clip.

Rewind Button

Select to show the Rewind button.

Status Bar

Select to show the Status Bar, which consists of a text message area, the network congestion LED, and the current clip position indicator.

Status Field

Select to show the Status Field, which consists only of a text message area.

Information Field

Select to show the Information Field, which displays the title, author, and copyright for the currently playing clip or portion of a multi-clip.

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